Should EVs Catching Fire Stop You From Buying Them?

Electric Vehicles or EVs could be the future of transportation with the increased need of adopting sustainable practices. EVs bring us the advantages of a cleaner environment, lower running costs, better driving experience, reduced noise pollution, and a lot more. However, what if these EVs catching fire becomes a norm? Are EVs worth this risk?

This is exactly what is happening in India lately. In March 2022, a video went viral showing an e-scooter catching fire in Pune. A few days later, another such incident happened in Vellore causing 2 fatalities. 20 more electric scooters from Jitendra EV met the same fate in April 2022 and there are more such cases.

Why Are They Catching Fire? Is It The Rising Heat?

According to Arun Vinayak, the founder of Exponent Energy it’s not the because of the rising heat, he compares that to using your phone directly in front of sun, it’s slow, hot, & shortens life. But they don’t affect safety.

The Real Reason?

In 99% of cases the cause of fire is because of short circuit which leads to uncontrolled currents making the temperature in the cells go beyond 100°C.

EVs run on batteries made up of Li-ion cells with 2 terminals in each, anode (+ve) and cathode (-ve), which are separated by an aptly named component – separator. A controlled current flows from the cells when electricity is discharged and the motor connects both terminals. Any disruptions in this process is a recipe for disaster.

These incidents make us question the risks and sustainability of these EVs. Should we actually even use them? These cause concern among shareholders and consumers. Let’s get to the bottom of this by looking at some of the causes for this internal short circuiting – 


  1. Cell Quality

    • Poor quality cells can cause an accidental connection between the two terminals ultimately short circuiting and causing a fire
  2. Battery Packaging Design

    • Even with good quality cells, the Battery Packaging Design is responsible for fire safety. The cells too need to breathe and if the packaging design huddles them together with no spacing or insulation, it is a cause of concern. It is like sitting on a time bomb if the rough Indian roads cause a loose bolt to fall into this basket of active cells
  3. Overcharging

    • Every time an NMC battery is overcharged even by small values, it will create “dendrites” similar to ice crystals. As these grow, they move further towards the cathode, ultimately connecting the terminals and causing a short circuit.
  4. Cutting corners

    • Companies use temperature sensitive batteries but do not provide any cooling mechanism to it
    • No fire suppressant material was used in the batteries in order to avoid additional costs
  5. No consideration to Indian Conditions

    • Companies are using technology simply copied from the West. They did not place any special consideration to make it suitable for Indian roads and conditions


Some of the Measures that can be adopted to make these a better fit are – 

  1. Temperature Management System

    • EVs must have a system in place that automatically cuts off the power in case the cells of the battery reach beyond a certain temperature and immobilizes the vehicle.  
  2. Failsafe measures in Smart Chargers

    • EVs use smart chargers. Having a mechanism in them that notifies the user of either the battery percentage, the battery temperature, and other necessary data can avoid overcharging or overheating
  3. Self Regulation by OEMs

    • OEMs must have regular quality checks not just for the safety of consumers but also their own brand name
    • The cost of failures or penalties must be high enough to ensure that OEMs do take proper measures and deliver a good product
    • Government must place proper regulations and universal safety measures in these regards
  4. The Consumer Responsibility

    • Accidents happen and it is also the responsibility of consumers to take necessary precautions
    • Some things to keep in mind are –
      • Avoiding charging already heated vehicles
      • Awareness about safety in case of fires 
      • Checking safety certificates while buying vehicles and more


Overall, Electric Vehicles are a need of the future. The risk of fire right makes them unfit for use, but their advantages are not ignorable. The planet is suffering and EVs will definitely relieve some pressure off of it. Companies must look into the current issues and resolve them as soon as possible. With proper measures, EVs can be life changing and contribute to sustainable development plans as we look at EVs catching fire in India.

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