The Myths Surrounding Nuclear Energy : Is Renewable Energy Actually Good For Us?

The per-barrel price of Brent crude oil is nearing its all-time high, dependency on Russia for energy export threatens all of us. Could nuclear power be the solution to this dependency? As we look to uncover the myths surrounding nuclear energy.

Many in the world believe that nuclear energy is rather expensive but nuclear-heavy France spends 59% as much on electricity as Germany. Germany, seen as the world leader for the clean environment projected to spend over $500bn by 2025 on renewable resources, that doesn’t sound so cost efficient does it?

The High Co2 Emission by “Clean” Germany as compared to “Nuclear-Heavy” France :


Nuclear Keeps Nation Safe

People are scared just by hearing the word nuclear, but we are here to actually put some light to that myth. The data over the past decade proves that Nuclear is indeed a safe mean of generating electricity. The note worthy point is that a commercial nuclear power plant cannot cause an explosion. As it is merely 5% enriched with fuel and much higher concentration is needed for an explosion. Nuclear provides highly reliable zero pollution power. Whereas thousands die in coal mines to get the resource for producing electricity.

To generate electricity through nuclear might be the safest option available. The environmental hazards from using those fossil fuels are immense.

The Threat Of Overdependency : Example Of Russia

The overdependency on Russia for providing energy for Europe is quite evident right now. Despite the various sanctions by Europe on Russia, they are yet to come to an agreement regarding the sanctions related to Brent crude oil because they cannot afford it. The high energy prices can cause a severe recession, which the world cannot afford. Hence Europe is reluctant to stop the oil trade.

The big question is how, How countries like Germany with much bigger economy than Russia are so heavily dependent?

The simple explanation is Green ideology, Germany by shutting almost all of its nuclear reactors and moving towards green ideology has trapped itself. Despite the heavy investment in renewable, Germany’s electricity production costs significantly more than nuclear rich France.

This invasion of Ukraine by Russia should be a wake up call for every nation to be self dependent. Nuclear energy can make that change rapidly.

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